Balaam's Ride

Balaam's Ride

Latest Episodes

Episode 8: Was Hitler Right?
June 07, 2020

Subtitle: Why Atheists Have No Rights. This is an apologetic aimed at atheists and social liberals. This talk gives you a line of reasoning to use when talking to atheists about the existence of God, and when talking to those who favor abortion,...

Episode 7: Sacraments and the Bible
June 07, 2020

Gives the biblical foundations for the Catholic teaching on Baptism, Confession, and the Eucharist, with half of the episode devoted to the Eucharist. John shows, very clearly, how the Bible supports Catholic teaching on all three of these Sacraments...

Episode 6: Rapture and the Bible
June 07, 2020

This episode compares Catholic teaching on the "Rapture" and on the end times, with the Protestant teaching on the same subjects. John shows, using only the Bible, that the Rapture theology that is so prevalent among Protestant denominations and which...

Episode 5: One Church
June 07, 2020

Have you ever heard someone say that it doesn't matter which Church you go long as it's Christian? John shows why this attitude is not logical and is not biblical. He will show, from the Bible, that Jesus did not intend for there to be 25,000+...

Episode 4: Marriage and the Eucharist
June 07, 2020

This talk draws some interesting parallels between these two sacraments, and then uses these parallels to explain the Church's teaching on such topics as sex outside of marriage, contraception, and non-Catholics receiving the Eucharist. Also includes...

Episode 3: Apologetics for the Scripturally Challenged
June 07, 2020

Basic apologetics strategies and techniques that anyone can use to engage in evangelization and apologetics. You won't need to be afraid of talking to anyone about the Bible and the Catholic Faith again. Plus, "12 Questions for Protestants."

Episode 2: My Conversion Story
June 07, 2020

John's personal journey of Faith. He talks about growing up Catholic and then leaving the Faith when he went off to college. You'll learn about what brought him back to the Faith 13 years later and how he got to be so involved with apologetics. He...

Episode 1: Introduction to Apologetics
June 07, 2020

John shows why we all need to be as well prepared as possible to discuss, defend, and share our faith with others (apologetics). He gives you several basic principles to use when discussing the faith with anyone...non-Catholics as well as Catholics....