Living In Faith

Living In Faith

Latest Episodes

Generational Curses | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
September 03, 2020

Generational curses are passed down from generation to generation. They are passed down spiritually and genetically. Negative behaviors, habits, sicknesses and diseases, divorce, abortions, substance abuse, sexual and verbal abuse, poverty, homosexuality,

Bondage to the Sin of the Flesh | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
August 26, 2020

The sins of the flesh can keep you in vicious cycles of sin. Knowing who you are in Christ and understanding your spiritual anatomy is of vital importance to overcome all sinful patterns, all behaviors that were learned by living in the flesh/natural man

Deception | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
August 21, 2020

The enemy will use deception as a weapon against you. Deception is an open door for the enemy into your life to keep you bound. The enemy uses deception to cause you to accept as real or valid what is false or invalid. Satan resorts to falsehood to fool y

Forgiveness | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
August 12, 2020

Holding grudges, resentment, hurt, bitterness, and unforgiveness are substantial open doors for the enemy. God commands us to forgive our brothers and sisters. When we chose not to, you open the door to the enemy through your disobedience, and he gains en

Rebellion | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
August 07, 2020

Rebellion is pride’s best friend. It defies, disobeys, and is insubordinate. Rebellion is an inward emotion that corrupts and deceives the senses into believing it does not have to come under authority. This is just like Satan. Rebellion resists authority

Emotions - Pride | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
July 26, 2020

Emotions are in your soul, and they can be tormented by spirits if there are open doors. Emotions were negatively affected by sin. When Satan caused Adam to fall, his emotions became contaminated by his disobedience.The thief does not come except to steal

False Religions | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
June 20, 2020

It is important to recognize any participation in false religions and repent and renounce any affiliations, pacts, covenants, promises, participation, etc. If your involvement was not serious, out of curiosity, or just a game, you still need to renounce..

The Biblical Anatomy of Man | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
June 19, 2020

To fully understand why things have happened in your life, you need to know how God created you.“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Chr

Open Spiritual Doors | Open Doors to the Spiritual World
June 08, 2020

Open doors are spiritual entrances that Satan uses to come into your life to torment you mentally, physically, and emotionally. They are entrances from the spiritual realm into the soul and physical body. Spirits are looking for openings or portals that g
