BRIGHTSPOTSRADIO with Sandra Laura Manuela

BRIGHTSPOTSRADIO with Sandra Laura Manuela

Latest Episodes

Episode 46: Tools to start 2024 powerful
December 19, 2023

In this powerful episode Sandra Laura Manuela shares practical tools that will help you become the woman you are meant to be in 2024: radiant, alive, and in her power.If you feel like working one to one with Sandra Laura Manuela check out this link https:

Episode 45: Sweet girls never get paid
December 04, 2023

In this episode Sandra Laura Manuela shares one of her precious pearls: a teaching audio she normally only shares with her clients. But she realised this is something every woman should know.Why sweet girls never get paid, and why wise women who care are

Episode 44: How to deal with conflict
November 21, 2023

In this episode Sandra Laura Manuela shares how she deals with conflict in her life.How taking ownership of your own inner wounds & traumas can be a gateway to more inner & outer peace.PS : Ladies, if you would like to start 2024 powerful and lear

Episode 43: Done!
November 08, 2023

Have you ever experienced that you are done with a certain behaviour, done with an old dynamic in relationships, done with an old pain?That means you are so ready for expansion and your next level.In this episode Sandra Laura Manuela shares how one powerf

Episode 42: Confidence, Contentment & Magnetism: How to create it
September 14, 2023

In this Episode 42 Sandra Laura Manuela shares with you how she experiences more confidence, contentment & magnetism in her daily life. How can you as a woman living a busy life start cultivating your own inner Magic & Magnetism?Here are some Brig

Episode 41: Reclaim your Sexual Energy
February 09, 2023

In this episode Sandra Laura shares her own journey towards living a more fulfilled life on a sexual and sensual level. She also offers wisdoms on how to heal your blockages in your sexual life and discover a next level of sexuality, sensuality and intima

Episode 40: Permission to slow down
February 08, 2023

In this episode Sandra Laura Manuela talks about how women often abandon their own natural rhythm to fit into todays society.While the power and magic of a woman is exactly in slowing down and listening to the rhythm of her body.How can you slow down and

Episode 39: Beauty is your birthright
January 17, 2023

In this episode Sandra Laura Manuela shares how she changed her way of looking at beauty and towards her own beauty.From constant self-doubt and harsh criticism, she shifted into looking at herself from a space of inner beauty and self love.Absolutely rec

Episode 38: Six gamechangers for 2023
December 28, 2022

In this episode Sandra Laura Manuela shares 6 powerful steps that have helped her to create powerful shifts in her life and made her thrive ! These 6 steps are gamechangers for 2023!

Episode 37 Rise Goddess
December 16, 2022

In this episode Sandra Laura Manuela Shares highlights of a masterclass she gave about how to make your life work as a modern woman even when you get challenged and the ride gets tough.You have the power to make different choices and take your life back a