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Episode 130: How to Practice an Energetic Release
July 23, 2024

Sonia C. is currently under a bad summer cold. After just getting back from Estonia to teach a workshop, she is trying her best to recover and not spread her germs to Sonia T. who is currently visitin

Episode 129: Your Energy Becomes Your Mirror
July 16, 2024

Sonia C. has some exciting news! She just finished her latest book, which is set to be released November 19th. Sonia T. was visiting and wanted to do some touristy things while in Paris, but because o

Episode 1: Welcome to the Family - ReRun
June 25, 2024

Welcome to the family! Sonia Choquette, a world-renowned intuitive mentor, and spiritual teacher, introduces us to her daughters, Sonia and Sabrina Tully, who are also both intuitive teachers. We lea

Episode 127: Just Let Go and Listen to Your Intuition
June 18, 2024

Sonia T. is in Florida and she is having some real-life adventures with pirates! Did you know they exist off the shores of Florida? She met a nice pirate man and a pirate woman and got to learn a bit

Episode 126: The Vibes Have Changed, Now What? Do I Bail on Plans or Conform?
June 11, 2024

Sonia C.s spirit is feeling a little irritated this week! Its been doom and rain gloom over here in Paris, and it just wont stop! Sabrina agrees. Its been raining galore. Will summer ever come aro

Episode 125: Solitude Ain’t Such a Bad Thing for Your Spirit!
June 04, 2024

Sonia C. is feeling tired this week. She just has less energy for activities and more inclinations for a good old-fashioned nap. Is it such a bad thing to take a little break and rest once in a while?

Episode 124: Stuck? Dive Deep Into Your Imagination and Creativity
May 28, 2024

Sonia C. and Sonia T. are both missing each other dearly after having a fantastic and lively adventure together in New Orleans. It just doesnt feel quite the same without each other. Sonia T. had to

Episode 123: Get Your Head and Heart Aligned! Throw Your Ego Away.
May 21, 2024

Sonia C. has been in New Orleans with Sonia T. for the last two weeks and the time has certainly flown by. They were able to see the Rolling Stones at Jazz Fest and also did a little canoe trip. Its

Episode 122: Dorito Chip Friends: It’s Time to Throw Them Out!
May 14, 2024

Sabrina didnt realize how sensitive she was to the weather. Right now, the weather is lovely in London and her mood has soared. She just feels great being able to be out in the sun and soaking up the

Episode 121: How Do You Best Navigate the Intensity of the World?
May 07, 2024

Sonia C. is on an adventure right now in Barcelona. She got an intuition hit that this could be the next place she could live and is excited to see what this beautiful city has in store for her. Sonia