

Latest Episodes

Practise Chinese Listening | ChiChi&Cliff chat about horoscope for second half of 2020
June 12, 2020

If you like our show or find it useful, or you have some suggestions, please let us know! ChiChi xx Below is the text: 牡羊座:懂得沟通,好运到来 金牛座:接受新的挑战跟改变 双子座:接受人生的新挑战,开启人生新页 巨蟹座:学会处理人际问题 狮子座:接受不完美 处女座:分辨贵人跟小人,学会耐心 天秤座:东忙一点西忙一点,学会专注 天蝎座:找到自己的路,留意人际关系 射手座:小心猪队

Practise Chinese Listening | ChiChi&Cliff chat about Mario Odyssey
June 10, 2020

If you like our show or find it useful, or you have some suggestions, please let us know! ChiChi xx Below is the text of the movie review: 《奥德赛》和马里奥系列的其它作品一样没什么剧情。讲的还是酷魔王抢走桃花公主要和公主结婚,马力欧拼尽全力过关救公主,最后公主也没跟马力欧在一起的故事。 跟《西游记》里抢到唐僧的所有女妖精一样,酷魔王在抢到了桃花公主之后并没有

Practise Chinese Listening | ChiChi&Cliff chat about Elon Musk’s Space X
June 09, 2020

If you like our show or find it useful, or you have some suggestions, please let us know! ChiChi xx Below is the text of the movie review: 埃隆·马斯克本人就是一个新闻制造机,最近一次掀起舆论高潮,毫无疑问,是Space X首次成功发射载人飞船。 这个男人的理想就是修建往返于地球与火星之间的“星际铁路”,让人类成为多行星物种。这次Space X载人飞船的发射

Practise Chinese Listening | ChiChi&Cliff chat about Friends reunion
June 08, 2020

If you like our show or find it useful, or you have some suggestions, please let us know! ChiChi xx Below is the text of the movie review: 5月并没有给全球《老友记》迷带来好消息。华纳传媒旗下的HBO MAX平台日前表示,因受疫情影响《老友记重聚特别篇》推迟上线,这对望穿秋水的“老友粉”来说无疑是沉重打击。唯一值得安慰的是,平台5月起推出《老友记》全集,让粉丝

Practise Chinese Listening | Movie review “Frozen”
June 07, 2020

If you like our show or find it useful, or you have some suggestions, please let us know! ChiChi xx Below is the text of the movie review: 《冰雪奇缘》这部电影以其奇幻美妙的场景和优美动听的歌曲给人们留下了深刻的印象,孩子们更是为之痴迷,几乎每个女孩都想成为艾尔莎,都希望能拥有冰雪魔法。 这也是一部关于爱的电影,只是,影片结尾处有点出乎人们的意料。真爱不再体现在王子对公

Practise Chinese Listening |John Wick short movie review
June 06, 2020

This is the very first episode of ChiChiChinese! We are still trying to work what the best way is, and your feedback can help us a lot! So please let us know if this is useful for your Chinese learning, or how you think we should improve the podcast, or j