20 Minutes in the Text

20 Minutes in the Text

Latest Episodes

15. Seeing Christ in the Text - Matthew 28:19-20
September 16, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss the context and content of Jesus' final moments on earth according to St. Matthew. NOTE: We had some recording issues, so we apologize for the large volume differences between our two voices. We'll do better next time! Enjoy the s

14. Seeing Christ in the Text - Psalm 23:4
September 11, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss one the most beloved Psalms of David, Psalm 23. Join the discussion about the role of a shepherd, how that imagery applies to God, and...as always...how this all points to Christ. See also John 10:1-21. Enjoy the show!

13. Seeing Christ in the Text - 1 Peter 5:7
September 08, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss what it means for Christians to live a life of "casting your cares..." onto God who cares for them.  Enjoy the show!

12. Seeing Christ in the Text - Zephaniah 3:16-17
August 26, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss the proclamation of judgment and salvation to the people of Judah in Zephaniah's writing, as well as how this passage points us to Christ. Enjoy the show!

11. Seeing Christ in the Text - Matthew 19:26
August 20, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss the context, content, and Gospel application of this verse from Matthew's gospel account. Enjoy the show!

10. Seeing Christ in the Text - Matthew 11:28-30
August 05, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss the context, content, and Gospel application of these verses from Matthew's gospel account. Enjoy the show!

9. Seeing Christ in the Text - Titus 3:4-8
July 31, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss the context, content, and Gospel application of these verses from Paul's letter to Titus. Enjoy the show!

8. Seeing Christ in the Text: Isaiah 41:10
July 23, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss Andrew's confirmation verse, Isaiah 41:10 through the lens of Christ. Enjoy the show!

7. Seeing Christ in the Text: Psalm 119:105
July 21, 2020

Andrew and Mason embark on a new journey to see Christ in the texts chosen for us (and others, too) on our Confirmation Day. This episode, we explore the text of Psalm 119:105. Enjoy the show!

Seeing Christ in the Text: Joshua
July 10, 2020

Andrew and Mason discuss how Joshua is a type of Christ in both name and deed. Enjoy the show!
