How Do You View You?

How Do You View You?

Episode 41 - Griffinstein discusses pain.

August 31, 2022

In todays episode of of How Do You View You, Griffinstein talks about pain management. And what people expect from you regardless. After surgery Griffinstein was in pain took no pain medicine and explains why. How his focus was off, how pain took over his whole life for three days. 11 stitches in the lip, the swelling and the unfortunate “rebleed” (story included) just brought out some old trauma. About growing up in Richmond and some of the things he has seen. Funny how smells and emotions can bring you to a moment in a snap of a finger. Working through all that with the pain, the lack of food the stitches were on his lip so light eating was called for. The moral of the story is: Some things we stand on until we are in a little bit of pain or uncomfortable and then crumble.

Also speaks on leaving people in this race we call life. We will plan for the rainy days and everybody that didn’t plan just eats at your house. But it’s not ok, some of us need to be around savers and do’ers so that efforts aren’t wasted. And there is guilt with that, but guilt from doing what’s best for you versus guilt for doing something for someone else is worse. If you put effort into something and you want to be great at it, you cannot work with people who just don’t care the whole project will come off as such. Some people believe that just the doing is enough, but most people know when love time and consideration was put into anything created by others. Most people talk the talk but the walk is always missing. Please enjoy this episode 41 of How Do You View You? Thank you

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