How Do You View You?

How Do You View You?

Lesson 57 Making Up

September 29, 2024

Lesson 57 is called Making Up, not relationship wise but society wise. Meaning, there are certain social responsibilities we all have. General respects and norms that we all expect to happen in day to day life. Like personal habits, personal space, and personal safety. That is what we owe to one another, but some of us go a step further we want to look “desirable”. That is a responsibility that is heavy, because we really don’t know what anyone else likes so we fix ourselves up so we would like it. Then you get a little attention and you like it then attention is what you seek and not just being comfortable. Well this lesson is about that getting back to being comfortable. I know dudes who complain about the women they are attracting, it’s their bait. If you dress like a trick you will attract whores. Same with women if you dress like a bitch that only wants bitchy things you will attract dogs by the mob. There was a philosopher named Lord 3*2 putts Houston RIP who said ” Hoes don’t get choose, I smash off on vogues, wear starched down clothes” Meaning, in my culture if you chase it you’re a hoe, male or female. This episode is about the patience that comes with living and knowing that what is for you is for you. This may not be an easy concept, until you confront it in your real life. The question is why am I putting on make up or “costume” to impress people I don’t want anything to deal with? Or can I attract my tribe with just my vibe? It aint cheap or profitable to “look” like you got money in hopes of getting money is a young mans game. Anyway enjoy lesson 57 and see if you can release some of the responsibilities you hold over yourself.

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