How Do You View You?

How Do You View You?

Lesson 50 Giving In vs. Giving Up

August 31, 2023

Today’s lesson talks about giving in versus giving up, and Griffinstein updates. I see people giving up everyday. Giving in is different because that is when an outside force batters you until you acquiesce. Giving up is an internal force that batters you, which to me equals hopelessness, helplessness, and ultimately depression.

There are so many resources and people willing to help, but no one wants to be “judged” which we are everyday. “Judged” is what some people say when they don’t want their mistakes or shortcomings as a human to be remedied by another better yet recognized by another, so we all try to take care of our problems in house. Which leads to giving up because we obviously can’t do it on our own or we would have done. My aim is to help so I hope fully that this is helpful to you really. Tongue twister on purpose…Please enjoy Lesson 50 of How Do You View You.

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