10 on Tech

101 — The New Business Model of Ransomware
PDI Software CTO Chris Berry says that it’s a matter of “when,” not “if,” your organization will be hit by a ransomware attack. And she’s right.
On this episode of “10 on Tech,” Berry and ActualTech Media Partner James Green dive into the hottest topic in IT: the growing scourge of ransomware, which is affecting every corner of the industry. It's a plague that will only expand, since it has now become big business, operating in fact like any other business with a profit motive.
PDI focuses on markets with a highly distributed IT infrastructure, like convenience retail and wholesale petroleum. With so many edge locations and endpoints to secure, PDI has a vested interest in stopping ransomware, and understands better than most the vulnerabilities faced by these types of businesses. Learn how they’re protecting their customers, and more, in this discussion.
Highlights of the show include:
* Why PDI customers’ biggest security concern is ransomware
* Why ransomware is a special problem for distributed environments
* The top three ways ransomware gets into your organization
* The reasons it can make sense to outsource your ransomware protection to a third party
Resource links from the show:
PDI Software homepage -- https://www.pdisoftware.com/
What really happens during a ransomware attack? -- https://www.pdisoftware.com/news/what-really-happens-during-a-ransomware-attack/
PDI Case Studies -- https://www.pdisoftware.com/case-studies/
PDI Blog -- https://www.pdisoftware.com/blog/
A new website for ransomware education – https://ransomware.org
We hope you enjoy this episode; and don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher.