10 on Tech

10 on Tech

090  – Blurring the Memory/Storage Lines

June 29, 2020

It’s the age-old IT tradeoff: the speed of memory, with its lack of persistence, vs. storage, which is slower but persistent. More and more, however, this tradeoff is being minimized, with new technologies offering the promise of both speed and persistence.

MemVerge is one of the companies at the leading edge of this revolution, and they join ActualTech Media Partner James Green to discuss this growing trend on “10 on Tech.”

MemVerge CEO Charles Fan and James pick apart the concept of “persistent memory,” what it looks like today, and where it’s going in the future.

Highlights of the show include:

* Distinguishing between storage, memory, and persistent memory
* Why persistent memory is such a breakthrough for application performance
* Intel Optane’s three “modes” of operation, and why they all have shortcomings
* Top MemVerge use cases, including financial services and entertainment

Resource links from the show:

MemVerge homepage -- https://www.memverge.com/

MemVerge Introduces Big Memory Computing -- https://www.memverge.com/press-releases/memverge-introduces-big-memory-computing/

MemVerge blog -- https://www.memverge.com/blog/

Try a MemVerge demo -- https://www.memverge.com/#beta

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