10 on Tech
087 – Tech Conferences Ain’t Dead!
COVID-19 has changed everything, and hit every area of life. That’s also true for the tech industry, and no part of our industry has been hit harder than tech conferences. What’s their future?
That’s what ActualTech Media Partner James Green and HashiCorp Head of Global Events & Experiential Marketing Jana Boruta tackle on this episode of “10 on Tech.”
The reality is that no one knows when things will return to normal—or even if that “normal” will ever return at all. Here’s how one company is adjusting its focus to online conferences, and some of their innovative solutions to helping attendees enjoy the shows almost as much as being there in person.
Highlights of the show include:
* The impact of the pandemic on the trade show industry
* How online conferences have to change
* The differences between in-person and digital conferences
* Why HashiCorp is building a custom conference platform
* How do companies re-create the community aspect of conferences?
Resource links from the show:
HashiCorp -- https://www.hashicorp.com/
HashiConf Digital in June -- https://hashiconf.com/digital-june/
HashiConf Digital in October -- https://hashiconf.com/digital-october/
We hope you enjoy this episode; and don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher.