10 Cent Stories
Latest Episodes
023 Summoner’s Regret
Written on 10/10/15 for a fan of the occult at the Farmerand#8217;s Market. 10centstories.com
022 The Lawyer
Written on 10/5/15 for @DaraKaye. Featuring the sound Dragon_Growl_00 by LittleRobotSoundFactory (http://www.littlerobotsoundfactory.com/) (taken from Freesound.org). 10centstories.com
020 Lovecraft Runs the Bulls
Written on 8/29/15 at the Public Market for a couple. Bullbellow is by acclivity of freesound.org. 10censtories.com
019 Zombie Football
Written on 10/31/15 (Halloween!) in my driveway for a boy in a Football Zombie Halloween costume. 10centstories.com
018 Catgut Wedding Ring
Written on 9/14/15 for Stella on the-toast.net. 10centstories.com
016 The Deer
Written on 10/17/15 for a thoughtful boy whose favorite thing was watching the deer in his backyard. 10centstories.com
015 The Logger
Written on 10/10/15 for a man in a tasteful blue cardigan at the Public Market. Check out my website 10centstories.com.
014 Colin’s Donut Shop
Written on 10/17/15 for a little boy who really liked donuts. Check out my website 10centstories.com.
013 It Was a Dark and Stormy April 15th
Written on 10/10/15 for a man in a knit cap at the Public Market. He gave me the first line and#8220;it was a dark and stormy nightand#8221; and wanted it to be about taxes. Check out my website 10centstories.com.