Life Covenant Church

Life Covenant Church

Latest Episodes

Loving In Crisis
March 29, 2020

This week we are in Heb 12:27-13:8.  What do we do when our world is shaking?  Hebrews tells us that we hold onto what cannot be shaken.  This passage gets super practical into what loving God and neighbor looks like in the midst of a world that fee...

Worrying In Crisis
March 22, 2020

This week we are looking at Jesus’ teaching on worry in Mt 6:25-34.  Here he teaches that those who follow him don’t need to worry about their needs not being met, because the Father loves them, and he knows what they need.

Trusting In Crisis
March 15, 2020

In this first response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Life Covenant Church decided to temporarily cancel in-person services in compliance with local and state guidelines.  In this message, Pastor Tim Morey offers us guidance on how we can respond to God an...

Lenten - EP 2: Our Identity as God's Child
March 08, 2020

Jonah runs from God in part because he doesn’t share God’s heart for the Ninevites. Why is that? Part of the answer is that Jonah’s identity is wrongly ordered. He places his ethnic and national identity above his primary identity: that he is a d...

Lenten - EP 1: Becoming a Person of Grace
March 01, 2020

Contrary to what you may have learned in Sunday School, the book of Jonah is not primarily about a man swallowed by a whale. It’s about running from God, and being angry with God, and, and eventually, learning from God how to be a person of grace.

Life's Vision - EP 6: how to be a spiritual friend
February 23, 2020

This week we wrap up our vision and values series with a teaching on how to be a spiritual friend. If we are going to be men and women who grow as disciples, and particularly if we are going to strengthen our commitment to evangelism and to Scripture,

The Gift of Wonder
February 16, 2020

This week we have a guest speaker, Dr. Christine Aroney-Sine, teaching on “The Gift of Wonder”, and she will be instructing us on how to come to God in awe and wonder.

Life's Vision - EP 5: Interruptibility
February 09, 2020

We are continuing our series through the Vision and Values, keying in on Evangelism and Discipleship for 2020. This week I’ll be talking about something called Interruptibility out of Mark 10:46-52 and other selected passages.

Life's Vision - EP 4: Hospitality
February 02, 2020

This week we are looking at the practice of hospitality, out of Romans 12:14. Hospitality is not just an abstract practice God calls us to, it is a reflection of who he is. We offer who we are and what we have to others,

Life's Vision - EP 3: Annual Family Meeting
January 26, 2020

This week is our annual family meeting. Our Scripture text for the day will be 1 Cor 12:4-27, with an emphasis on the unique roles we each have in the body. This along with highlights from 2019, and some looking ahead to the year to come,