Drunken Zombie Podcast

Drunken Zombie Podcast

Drunken Zombie Classic – Episode 23: Drunken Zombie In Space

May 05, 2016

This is back when rather than focusing on a single movie we’d talk about multiple movies in a category.  This episode is sort of legendary because this is the second time we recorded this episode as the first one was a lost episode and what we agreed was probably our funniest episode ever.  We were very drunk and made lots of jokes that we only remember pieces of.  So we tried to redo this episode but sadly it only became a tribute to that lost episode.  Also Frankenvox (who would later become known as Lord Blood-Rah) sent us sounders to use and this is the first episode we had them.  Some are still used today.
Drunken Zombie finally ventures into space in what we are calling our cursed episode. We tried this a few months ago but it never worked out. This time we tried once and it didn’t record so we started again. We got most of the way through and Bryan’s mic cuts out. Damn you space episode. In this episode Drunken Zombie Junior Correspondent Vaughn gives us a PSA about bringing your kids to movies. We debut our new sound effects courtesy of Frankenvox. And we discuss the movies Event Horizon, Hellraiser: Bloodlines, Jason X, and Alien.