

The one supplement that could change your life? Dr Carolyn Dean #139

October 16, 2017

If magnesium is so good for us, why don’t we ever hear about it from our doctors? Why your daily routine should include magnesium instead of 5 cups of coffee. Don't have a socially awks moment by buying the wrong kind of magnesium! Why is magnesium supplementation so important? It can help with Anxiety and depression, sleep, energy levels, stomach problems, nerve problems and heart issues. And apparently almost all of us are deficient in it. So why aren't we all supplementing with magnesium? Well if you've had problems like the ones mentioned, you might want to listen in.
Today's Zestology expert is Dr. Carolyn Dean, the world's foremost expert on magnesium supplementation. She'll explain how magnesium can help with all of the above, and most importantly, what supplements to take and what NOT to take. (Clue: if you go to the store and buy basic magnesium tablets, they may well have an unwanted and socially awks effect. You need the right kind.)