Zero Authority: For beginning bloggers and entrepreneurs

Zero Authority: For beginning bloggers and entrepreneurs

13: Down with Twitter "Disruptors," Up with 12 E-Mail Hacks

August 08, 2016

Steve drinks a Miller Lite while preaching fitness before ripping on self-described “disruptors.”  Then he and Dave give e-mail marketing beginners a list of 12 quick and easy tips to boost sign ups and increase engagement.

Zero Authority Toolbox: 40 Minutes of Exercise
Steve goes low tech this week, recommending 20-40 minutes of cardio to relieve stress, give a boost to creativity, and actually create time by making his working hours much more productive.
 Steve’s Peeves: Self-Described Disruptors
Steve is pretty much a jerk.  Just like self-described ninjas, Steve can’t stand it when people refer to themselves as “disruptors.”  This is prevalent on social media profiles, especially Twitter.  Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates were all disruptors.  Pioneering an incremental improvement on a fart app does not make you a disruptor!  Check out some examples.

 12 E-Mail Marketing Tips for Beginners

Create a content upgrade for your posts to boost e-mail signups.  This can be as simple
On the e-mail confirmation page, provide your readers a link to the most common e-mail services like GMail, Yahoo, and Outlook.
Don’t worry about paying for a service like LeadPages to deliver your digital content.  If you have a giveaway in the form of a PDF, just give your readers a link to it.  Free.  Nothing fancy.
Sometimes services like MailChimp will prevent users from accessing your opt in incentive if they are already subscribed to your list.  If this happens, configure MailChimp to redirect the user to page on your site that links to all of your e-mail incentives.
Instead of having a simple form on your site that asks for an e-mail address, consider a “two-step” opt in where the visitor simply clicks a link that takes them to another page designed specifically to collect their e-mail address.
Change the default button text away from “Submit.”  That’s not warm or welcoming text and won’t be aligned with your product, unless you’re a dominatrix.
Delete subscribers that consistently aren’t opening your e-mails.  This can save you money if you’re about to hit another pricing tier.
Make the opt-in button color distinct from the rest of your site.  A button color that
Consider removing text that reminds the visitor that you aren’t going to spam them.  If a visitor thinks you might spam them, it’s possible
You’ve gotta e-mail the people on your list!  If you collect e-mails, wait 6 months, then send a flurry of e-mails, they’re likely to have forgotten about them and will be more likely to report you for spam.
Ask visitors to add you to their contact or safe list.  This helps with deliverability
Ask your visitors to reply to your e-mails.  This increases engagement with your list and also signals to e-mail services that your e-mails should probably be going to the inbox rather than spam.

 People and Products Mentioned

* Linked In
* MailChimp
* Miller Lite
* Oli Gardner, UnBounce
* Elon Musk
* Bill Gates
* Steve Jobs