Zero Authority: For beginning bloggers and entrepreneurs

Zero Authority: For beginning bloggers and entrepreneurs

12: Skitch, Pokemon Go Clickbait, and E-Mail List Building Part II

August 02, 2016

Dave puts “How-the-latest-fad-relates-to-some-business-concept” articles in his crosshairs, Steve recommends Skitch, and they discuss e-mail list building incentives and how to craft the pitch.

Zero Authority Toolbox
Steve recommends Skitch, an Evernote-owned app that lets you easily annotate images without any PhotoShop skillz. Add arrows, text, lines, speech bubbles, etc to any image easily.

 Steve’s Dave’s Peeves
Dave railroads Steve’s segment and goes off on how authors write clickbait-y articles relating some business concept to what ever the latest craze is.  Examples include:

* Pokemon Go
* Angry Birds
* Chia Pets
* the Olympics

Opt-ins and Copywriting for E-Mail List Building
Unless you’re Marc Andreesen, people don’t join your list for the sole purpose of getting an e-mail from you.  They join because you have offered them something they want.
Dave and Steve discuss various e-mail incentives before ultimately recommending an extremely helpful information product – a guide, a cheat sheet, a white paper, case study –  as the most effective form of lead magnet.
Regardless of what you choose, how are you going to make the pitch to your readers.  It’s too easy to get caught up describing the features of the lead magnet to the reader rather than the benefits to the reader.  Make the pitch short and focus on those benefits!
 People and Products Mentioned

* Pokemon Go
* Skitch
* Netscape Founder and Venture Capitalist, Marc Andreessen, A16Z