Zach on Leadership

Zach on Leadership

Latest Episodes

Leadership Practices for Technology Vendor Management
January 12, 2024

One of the biggest themes in Zach on Leadership is leading teams. Thats the core part of the job where most leaders need the most help and encouragement. However, thats not all there is. Another big

Leadership Lessons from Community Tech Support
January 05, 2024

This is an article for all of you who spent Christmas and the ensuing days setting up and fixing all of the electronic gadgets that your friends and family received. If youre that guy or gal, you kno

Leadership Lessons from the Christmas Story
December 22, 2023

I love to look at the world around me and glean leadership lessons to inspire myself and others to rise to our calling. Its Christmas. In years past, Ive drawn leadership lessons from pop culture mo

Leadership Reflections on the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party
December 15, 2023

On the evening of December 16, 1773, the brave patriots of Boston stood against tyranny. My Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather was among them and played a key role that changed the course

Leadership Lessons from Driving an RV Backward up Mountain Switchbacks
December 08, 2023

A few years ago, I took my family on an RV trip to the Canadian Rockies (Banff, Jasper, and Yoho). It was one of our most epic trips, and Id love to do it again. If youve been there, you know what I

Hello Computer: The Opportunity for Generative AI to Modernize Computing
December 01, 2023

When I was a kid, I remember watching Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. In this film, the crew of the Enterprise traveled back in time from 2286 to 1986. Scotty tried to use a MacIntosh computer by speak

Dealing with the Ups and Downs of Leadership
November 17, 2023

Fell off the jetway again This is a reference to the opening scene of the 1994 film, Dumb and Dumber. Lloyd is a limo driver who drives Mary Swanson to the airport. It was the best day of Lloyds life

Leadership Lesson from Deer Hunting – Part 2
November 10, 2023

Four years ago, I wrote Leadership Lesson from Deer Hunting. Its one of my better articles. I wrote about the lessons learned from the preparation required to hunt and the stillness and patience in

Leadership Lessons from Building a Mandalorian Suit
November 03, 2023

In retrospect, had we known how much work it was going to be, we probably would have never done it. Thats how it is with ambitious endeavors. It starts with a vision. Then, we commit. Then, we nearly

Hey Tech Leaders: How Often Do You Get Your Hands Dirty With Technology?
October 20, 2023

Last week, I published a big article about ZachGPT: My little side project to build an artificial intelligence in my likeness. If you missed it, check it out here. In the week since, Ive been reflect