YS Up - Governance and Boards

YS Up - Governance and Boards

ESG, CSR & Modern Slavery Reporting with Nicholas Bernhardt, CEO Informed 365

December 09, 2020

In this episode of YS Up Governance and Boards Podcast, 3YS Owls Governance Consultants, Ainslie Cunningham and Deb Anderson interview Nicholas Bernhardt. Nicholas is the CEO and Co-Founder of Informed 365, an Australian based tech company that specialises solely on better sustainability outcomes. They develop customised real-time digital platforms with predictive capabilities and unlimited analytics functionality to provide improved visibility and transparency and to allow their clients to make better, more informed decisions. We explore with Nicholas ESG, CSR and Modern Slavery reporting and the diagnostic tools that are offered by Informed 365, and some of the stunning statistics around the number of people living in slave-like situations.

"You might know that last year, October 2019, the Property Council launched an Australian-first shared platform for their members to combat modern slavery. It was not the usual Stockland, Mirvac, Lendlease tackle modern slavery in their little silos. They do that collaboratively. Modern slavery is a non-compete space. Let's face it. We all want to eradicate it. Well, not all. The perpetrators don't want to eradicate it, but normal, healthy, sane people want to eradicate modern slavery.
It was good to see an industry organisation take the lead and say, "Look, we're just going to do this because it will be much more efficient, and the impact will be a lot greater."
- Nicholas Bernhardt

Summary of episode
· Modern Slavery Reporting
· Modern Slavery Act 2018
· Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting
· Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
· Supply chain management
· Some corporate examples of the 'poster child' in terms of CSR: Patagonia, Outland Denim, Property Council of Australia
· Connecting devices, data and databases to produce meaningful information
· Web-Based Platform Solutions Provider of Supply Chain Management, Business Intelligence, Climate Change Adaptation/Resilience and CSR Certification
· Department of Home Affairs
· Climate change
· Workplace Health and Safety
· ESG Investing
· Treasury Wine Estates