You've Got Issues (with Anna David)

You've Got Issues (with Anna David)

Danielle Stewart: People Who Talk to Other People While on the Phone

December 25, 2016

Writer and former stand-up comedian Danielle Stewart did the comedy circuit for many years—in that time, touring the country, hosting the AVN awards and appearing in the reality show Sex Box. She's written for Us Weekly and Life & Style Magazine, as well as MTV and E! Networks, and also hosted her own podcast, #TheDaniStew Experience. She is now the Managing Editor of, which means I have the great pleasure of working with her on a daily basis. While we joke in this episode that we've had very few conversations that DON'T focus on our petty issues, we were able to narrow down the focus and zero in on that thing that happens when you're talking to someone on the phone and they suddenly start talking to their kid or their barista or their sister. What does being triggered by that have to do with having a mother with borderline personality disorder? It's all in the episode, folks.