You've Got Issues (with Anna David)

You've Got Issues (with Anna David)

Comedian Doug Benson: Loud Talkers on Airplanes

December 04, 2016

Comedian Doug Benson needs no introduction but he’s getting one anyway: the host of the mega popular podcast Doug Loves Movies, he’s also (in no particular order) hosted (live, on TV and in podcast form) the also exceedingly popular Benson Interruption, was a contestant on Last Comic Standing, was a regular on Best Week Ever and sits atop yet another pod, Getting High With Doug. Curious about that title? Well, if you’re familiar with Benson you already know this but the dude is a serious marijuana advocate and speaks openly and often about the fact that he’s often high. Now that you know that, the fact that he also starred in the  marijuana documentary Super High Me as well as the movies Doug Dynasty, The Greatest Movie Ever Rolled and Chronic-Con: The New Dopemakes perfect sense, right? (If you’re looking for more evidence that Benson’s advocacy for pot is no joke, he makes sure to only follow 420 people on Twitter at all times; if he adds someone, someone else has to go) (for the moment, I’m still safe). Despite the chronic influx of the chronic into his system, Benson is quick to admit that he still has petty issues—namely with people (specifically a scenario that involves two businessmen) who chatter at each other on planes and interfere with his ability to watch a movie. What does this have to do with how his mom used to stand in front of the TV when he was a teenager and the fact that media may be a greater escape to him than marijuana? It’s all in the episode, people.