Your Hollywood Pro

Your Hollywood Pro

Episode #105: Brandi Kamenar A Strategy and Brand Building Expert and CEO of Brandi Kamenar Beverly Hills

March 18, 2016

My guest today is Brandi Kamenar, CEO of branding company Brandi Kamenar Beverly Hills.
Brandi is a branding guru! She’s spent over 20 years helping her clients build their brands through sharing the value they bring to their community. Brandi practices what she teaches so you’ll be learning from a true doer. In this episode, Brandi will share: 

Her own entrepreneurial journey.
Picking up and moving all the way across the country to establish herself in a new city.
How branding is about managing risk.
How she helps her clients cultivate their brand.
And what you can do to cultivate yours.

About Your Hollywood Pro: 
Get Face-to-Face with Hollywood! Interviews and Conversations with Hollywood Industry Experts and Filmmakers Sharing Their Perspective on the Entertainment Business. Your Hollywood Pro's Jordan Gregory goes behind the glitz and glamour to bring you guests each week that are active in the business. Our guests have worked in the movie business and entertainment for years. They include:
Adam Rymer, President of Nerdist Industries
Carlos Portugal, Showrunner East Los High on Hulu
Marc Hofstatter, Head of Film at Indiegogo a crowdfunding platform
Ruth Vitale, CEO of Creative Future
Our guests are some of the most important experts in Hollywood. They will tell you how they got their start, about their current challenges and what you can do to set yourself apart in Hollywood.