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Latest Episodes

Episode 5: Staying healthy and being well – With Tanya Clark
April 26, 2019

Let's face it, our industry is unhealthy. We're physically exhausted, we don't sleep well, we keep weird hours, we live on salty junk food and we drink all the time. We have to bring the party, it's our job, but we often get lost in the party.

Episode 4.5: What have we learned so far? Counterfeits, injuries, violence, cutting people off
April 19, 2019

Hey folks! I thought I'd try something new for this episode. I got some feedback and I decided to start doing shorter summery style episodes every few episodes. There is a ton of information in the interviews and it's hard to remember everything,

Episode 4: You’ve had enough for tonight- With Andrew Meltzer
April 12, 2019

I've always found it ironic that our business is to sell people alcohol, but we also have to make sure they don't get too drunk. We want them to buy more so we make more money, but we can't sell them too much because it causes problems—The worst being ...

Episode 3: Living with rape and violence at the bar – With Nate Olson
April 02, 2019

The idea behind pretty much every bar is essentially the same: Create an enjoyable environment for people to come have drinks or food. This is our business. Maybe some bars don't play the music you like, some bars don't serve the food you like,

Episode 2: Ouch! Bar injuries and how to fix them, With Julie Kunz and Andrew Campbell
March 26, 2019

Bars can be dangerous places, especially for those of us who work behind them. Cuts and scrapes, burns, slips and falls are all quite common injuries, and sometimes bartenders suffer even weirder injuries like bar spoon puncture wounds.

Episode 1: I Want to speak to the manager! With James Butler
March 19, 2019

There are few phrases I want to hear less than, "I want to speak to the manager!" In this episode, I got to sit down with my long-time friend and colleague James Butler, and talk with him about the challenges he has faced as a manager in the bar and re...

Episode 0: Welcome! Plus the dos and don’ts of counterfeit money
February 28, 2019

Hey, Episode 0 is finally here! Thanks so much for tuning in and checking us out! Normally I will interview a different bartender every week, but in this episode I'm just at home hanging out with my dog (see photo),
