Your brain on YOU

Your brain on YOU

What a Writer Says to Himself — A Bit of My Writing Process [1 Min. Audio]

April 08, 2014

This is a strange kind of naked…

What did I DO myself to get the habit of writing everyday for my blog?

What do I still do to this day to keep the habit… the sweet, sweet blissful habit of writing on a blog… for money or passion or whichever…

You can bet that because I do this everyday I’m only improving; a power YOU have too when you do it like I do:

BE consistent.

So here goes…

I tell myself, “Well, I’m awake. It’s a new day.  (Thank You.)  I need — I must — write.  So what’s in my heart?”

And I actually get into my heart space.

And I’ll open up a book to get some inspiration, if I have none.

And I place my intention in my heart.

And I find the content with my head and my heart.

And I write to effect people.  I hope.

The more I can encourage people…

So, I’ve got a question for you, Reader…

What can I do for YOU?

Right here on this blog.

Here and now.  Real time.

What can I do for you?

What’s the problem you’re having in your life right now?

Are you stuck somewhere?

Are you in a transition?

Do you just need to ACTIVATE your will and intention and get something done?

Do you need to build your resolve?

Do you want to be free?

Free to travel, to roam, free from jobs and bosses and paychecks, and enough money to do what you want and not have any debt…

“Right?!  Of course!!!”

(Tell me in the comments…)

What skills do you have that you can use to make a living with right now?

There’s something larger, isn’t there?  Do you detect that?

That something deeper in the world…

We’re supposed to be doing something more meaningful with our lives… earning money connected to a passion or talent we have.

Something we love.

I love when Will Smith talks about how he’s not the most talented guy — he just works harder than everybody else.

That’s what builds skill.

I hope you enjoyed reading and listening to this as much as I enjoyed creating it.

If you’re serious about writing on a blog and getting paid to do it and help people, then you’re probably going to want to have a look at these free Blogging Secrets videos I put together.

You’ll learn exactly the skills you need to be set up and blogging effectively and laser targeted without a bunch of hassle.  I reveal everything in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner.

So if you’d like to have a look at those, go ahead and click here and check ‘em out.