Your brain on YOU

Your brain on YOU

Life Is Good, Right?

April 06, 2014

Life is good, right?

But what about all the badness that goes on in our world?

The bad people of the world… they are, as my brother Daniel puts it, “A mutation of what’s normal.”

The NORMAL thing in this Universe is abundance and prosperity and riches and good feelings and happiness for all.

Goodness. It’s normal.

Most people at their core are good. They are GOOD people.

Some people do bad stuff and some people just ARE bad.

The people who do bad stuff can change into their NATURAL selves, their positive selves, very very easily.

Whereas the people who are bad are just so buried it’s nigh impossible for them to be any sort of good.

And they are a mutation of the normal.

And they, in a sense, define our reality.

It’s like Neale Donald Walsch says in Bringers of the Light: as soon as you decide who and what you are, you’re going to attract everything that that’s NOT into your life.

And that’s how you define that goodness, who you are.

That’s how you define humanity.

That’s how you define yourself and we are part of the whole!

We are part of something greater than ourselves!

So, as we define ourselves, so is humanity defined through this “goodness and badness.”

We are whole.

We. Are. Whole.

We are part of the whole.

That is important to remember: that at your core you are good.

If you’re doing bad, you can change your bad stuff to good stuff.

Just takes some unearthing.

Your nature is good.

By nature!


Thanks for being you and working to be the best you possible.

There’s only one of you, so it’s best to be the best you can be.

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