Your brain on YOU

Your brain on YOU

Thoughts on How to Do a Little Bit Toward Your Goal Every Day [AUDIO]

April 04, 2014

Are We All School Boys and Girls Lost Among Treasures We Want to Choose From?

This is a conversation with me and three of my four brothers about mastering what you want and reaching your goals.

(There are two subtle f-bombs in the 08:55 audio.)

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

For every 40,000 “No’s” that a child gets from his/her parents throughout his or her lifetime, ideally you should give 160,000 “Yes’s”.

This according to the book, The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.

A great book.

In his own words he congeals Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale, Vince Lombardi, plus a lot of the book is filled with testimonials from people telling how they apply the slight edge to their lives. Thousands upon thousands of people.

It’s a coherent break down of the most simple, powerful life philosophy that exists.

It’s the modern day Way of Life for success in EVERY area of your life.

It’s not even a self-help book, it’s just a GUIDE; a thing that you should literally do everyday.

The Slight Edge is: a little bit every day. A little bit every day accumulates into much, WITHOUT FAIL.

Do what you want to do — a little bit EVERY DAY — and without fail, you will reach your goal.

This is a guarantee in life.

It’s the way of nature.

Acting this way — BEING this way — you are living in harmony with Nature and the Universe.

(Go ahead and listen to the rest of the audio. There are some more great insights and perspectives in there.)


As my brother Joshua goes on to say…

The most effective way of doing it for myself is just optimizing my time.

Choosing what I was gonna be doing with each segment of my day, whether it was planned or not, but just realizing that these were things I was going to accomplish on this day.

If I reach those goals, that was a very full day.

So it’s choosing what you really want to do with your time that is really what achieves results.

So if you want to master multiple things — which we all do! — you just gotta choose the few… follow your heart.

Follow your heart - master multiple things

And then as my brother Daniel goes on to say…

Make the President’s schedule look bad.

You do have to choose what you do with your time. It’s a conscious decision.

It’s like that David Mamet saying… he quoted something, but he said, “If it ain’t the script, it ain’t.”

If it ain’t in your schedule, it ain’t. It’s not gonna happen.

Unless you put it in your schedule, it’s not going to happen. It’s just not.

You have to decide to do it every day.

(… and then our conversation spirals down to talking about and celebrating Chris Farley. I’d say it’s safe to stop the recording at this point.)

Joshua: We’re all stars. Some stars are rising and some are falling, so which are you?

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How would you like to do a little bit of blogging every day to have the guaranteed outcome of a six-figure, self-employed income?

Yeah, I said it.

Yeah, it’s real and doable.

Yeah, I’ll work with you personally.

But you have to make the conscious decision to do it everyday, like going to a job or going to class.

Watch this FREE video by yours truly to see how I do it (a complete break down of the process).

And peep this to see how to work with me personally at no extra charge to get your business up and running today.