Your brain on YOU

Your brain on YOU

Life is about being exceptional in YOU

April 02, 2014

Life is about…

Being exceptional in YOU.

Not settling for mediocrity.

Not resting on your averageness or mediocrity.

Not settling for just being so-so.

But moving well beyond your current realm and the current inhibitions; the current weight that keeps you down.

No excuses. No more excuses.

There are no excuses.

Make everything a work of art even if it doesn’t feel like that right now.

Like, blogging didn’t feel like a work of art, but the more I did it, the more I became who I TRULY am…

… the more it was a creation of my own.

Yet it comes from God… or some higher realm.

So I give it back to where it came from.

Build it for it’s own sake.

Eliminate desperation. Speak only from conviction.

Don’t scream and flail your arms wildly to try and convince folks.

And don’t raise your voice to try and convince folks of something.

Just speak it with conviction and confidence.

What are you building today?

In what areas are you improving your life? Let me know in the comments below.


How would you like to be self-employed through blogging?

I’ll show you how, 1-on-1.

That’s right, ME, not my robot secretary.

Foot prints in the sand… you, me, God (Holiness, fellowship, divine spark, whatever you call it).

Working together.

Check out this free video I put together to see the inner workings of blogging and if it might be right for you.

Unplug from the Matrix. Plug in to your self-directed livelihood.

Become Richer, smarter, funnier. Let’s connect!