Your World Discovered

Your World Discovered

Chris O'Brien is guest on Your World Discovered with David K. Ewen, M.Ed. of E.P

August 26, 2016

Driven by Words of Hope: To Uplift Your Heart 

Chris O'Brien says:

I grew up in the city of Springfield, MA with thousands of people around you coming and going as you walk along the street of the city. It’s hard to stop one person and speak life into them, so I thought. As I went through life as a teenager I always wanted to be the one person to help out and give the best advice as possible. Everyone always said I gave great advice, so my goal was to reach out and speak a word of encouragement to just one person a day. Although, I never had the confidence or courage to give a simple "hello, how are you" to just any random person. Then, it all changed. I came to Christ in December of 2012. God has transformed my life around for the better. God gave me the courage to speak life into people every day. It is no longer a challenge to spread the good news because now I have an understanding that spreading the Gospel is what we are called to do. My prayer is that this book helps uplift you every day and to water that seed of hope inside of you.