You Don't Understand Podcast

You Don't Understand Podcast

Ep. 18: Funny Girl (feat. Ilana Gordon & Erika Price)

August 17, 2016

It's Streisand time, friends. This week, the hilarious Ilana Gordon introduces Tom and guest host Erika Price to Barbra Streisand's award-winning film debut Funny Girl. Straight up, Barbra is a treasure in this movie. I don't care if it's tipping my hand to include our opinions of the movie in the description. Come on! She's fantastic! Lights up the dang screen! Listen as Ilana shares her very own custom Funny Girl fan edit, Tom wonders how he has never heard of this movie before, and Erika marvels at Barbra's physics-defying coiffure. Listen, y'all!