The Crescendo Music Education Podcast

The Crescendo Music Education Podcast

The Wellbeing Series: Movement | 088

February 25, 2024

As music teachers, we spend countless hours honing our craft, guiding students, and nurturing their musical talents. In the midst of our busy schedules, it’s easy to forget the importance of staying active and taking care of ourselves. Incorporating movement into our daily routines not only benefits our physical health but also rejuvenates our minds and enhances our teaching.

One of the simplest ways to stay active is by taking daily walks. Walking not only provides a break from the confines of the studio but also allows us to immerse ourselves in nature’s beauty. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll through the park or a brisk walk around the neighborhood, the fresh air and change of scenery can do wonders for our creativity and mental well-being.

Walking with a friend can make the experience even more enjoyable. Not only does it provide an opportunity to catch up and socialize, but it also adds an element of accountability. Knowing that a friend is waiting for us can be a powerful motivator to get moving, even on days when we may not feel like it.

So let’s lace up our shoes, grab a friend, and get moving!

Links Mentioned in the Episode: