YoPro Wealth: Take Control of Your Finances. Make More Money. Live Wealthy.

YoPro Wealth: Take Control of Your Finances. Make More Money. Live Wealthy.

099 - The Way to an Ultra-Early Retirement - Chris Miles

December 24, 2014

Retirement can be much closer than you think!How? Obtain financial freedom.So, how do you do that? Well, that is exactly what I’m talking about with contributing expert, Chris Miles today. This is one of the most impactful episodes of YoPro Wealth to date because Chris shares with you exactly how you need to think and what strategy you need to take to have the most money show up in your life. It’s pure gold. Enjoy!In this episode, you'll learn:
- The secret of building multiple streams of income. - How the rich think about building wealth.- What the great entrepreneurs do.- The two questions you need to ask yourself.- The real impact of inflation that the government won’t tell you.- The power of knowing your greatest asset, and how to leverage that into a business.- Why you need to treat money like a jealous lover.- And much more!“Dollars follow value.†Where can you provide the most value? Find your superpower, use it to solve people’s problems, and leverage that to make the most amount of money. yoprowealth.com