Yogi Dave's Hobby Podcast

Yogi Dave's Hobby Podcast

General Hobby Talk

January 30, 2020

How do folx,

Today I talk about a number of things, including the fact that [@HealthPakStream](https://twitter.com/HealthPakStream) has agreed in priniciple to be the editor for the Legends of Hamanshiron rules, which leads into me talking about how you need to pay your artists, editors, writers and Graphic designers and pay them fairly. I then talk about how my twitter interactions are going to change, I plug Heroforge a bit, I then talk about the new stuff coming out of Nuremberg from Games Workshop, I rant a little about my experiences with Hatchette Partworks (I also manage to forget the name of the Stormcast Eternals), I talk about Mike Negle of Wandering Pilgrim Productions latest release, [To Live and Die in Tall Pines](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/301750/To-Live-and-Die-in-Tall-Pines) a Dungeons and Dragons 5E adventure set for first to fourth level characters in a Western Setting, if I was at all into D&D I would definately go out and buy it to support Mike who you can