Yeah I Remember That...

Yeah I Remember That...

I'm in the video game! movies... The Last Starfighter and Tron

October 04, 2015

Every kid's dream (well ok.. maybe just hardcore nerds like Pierre and I) was that the video games they were playing might become real life. So naturally, as kids we loved movies where this happened. First we reexamine The Last Starfighter, where an ambitious kid from a dead-end small town gets a chance to be a space fighter hero. Perfect 80s sci-fi fodder. 
Next we delve into the original Tron. Where a young Jeffrey Lebowski takes a turn as a computer hacker and embarks on an awesome cyber adventure. Ok, maybe it really wasn't the origin story for The Big Lebowski, but I like to pretend it was. 
Music: "Rerezzed" by Daft Punk, "Video Game Song" by Nightcore, "End of Line" by Daft Punk