Yeah I Remember That...

Yeah I Remember That...

A Nightmare on Elm Street movie commentary

September 20, 2015

Here we go again, with another one of these totally original, unique movie commentary deals that no one else on the internet ever does... ahem.. 
You remember this one right? Something about juggling and a guy with bad skin and a fedora? Well, with the recent pasing of the great Wes Craven, Pierre and I delve into the start of arguably the top horror movie franchise of all time. True, Freddy came around after Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers, but his one-liners were much more well thought out and timely. 
To sync this one correctly, start the commentary track as soon as the "New Line Cinema" flashing red letters disappear. Or.. you know, just listen to us yammer on about random stuff with no visual context. If you're into that kind of thing.