Yesterday's Chip Paper

Yesterday's Chip Paper

YCP Extra! Policing Mishaps and Tremendous Cross Buttocks

December 02, 2017

In this edition of Yesterday's Chip Paper Extra! We read to each other about incompetent police, errant livestock, insanity-inspired murders on the high seas and more. As with all of our mini-episodes, the stories we read out have been sourced by the other host, and haven't been shared in advance, so we have no idea what we're about to read.  If you like what you hear, please do rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts, and let us know what you think at @paperpodcast on Facebook and Twitter, or Yesterday's Chip Paper is the podcast where your two hosts - Violet and Jim - delve into the world of historical newspapers, unearthing long-forgotten stories from days gone by. In our Extra! episodes, we look at the shorter stories that don't quite make full episodes, but are fun nonetheless.  Source used in this episode: Thanks to the Free Music Archive for our intro and outro music.