Yelling About Comics

Yelling About Comics

Episode #56 – Dog Days of Summer

July 02, 2019

Not gonna lie, we were scraping the bottom of the barrel for this podcast. To find a topic, we scoured recent headlines from CBR, and even there we came up empty. That’s just how quiet, and, well, dull the summer is currently going for comics. We did find things to talk about, and what we chose only further proves how much comic outlets are desperate for news stories.
But as for what we’re reading, that certainly is not boring. Jen still struggles with Justice League: Dark (she may quit for realsies, you guys) as well as A Walk Through Hell, but at least she has Gideon Falls and Red Sonja to provide some comfort. Keri is still trying to wrap her head around a Team Nightwing, not to mention the fact that Flash is currently rewriting the New 52. But Mr. and Mrs. X saves the day, even though it is the last issue.
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