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Dark Fortnite of the Soul: True Crime in the Gaming World

February 19, 2020

Will these gamer girls EVER go home? We knew we needed backup for this episode, so we had on the most enthusiastic gamer boy we know: Ben Moosher, of Without Warning Radio fame.

To get our footing, we reminisce about Gamergate and Anita Sarkeesian’s feminist critiques, and the resulting death threats and episode of Law and Order: SVU.
We discuss eSports’ “altar boy and sleaze bag,” Ninja and Faze Banks, as well as the funnier details to come out of gaming’s latest million-dollar lawsuits.
Parasocial relationships are a big part of the streaming community: are “twitch thots” exploiting their audiences of lonely men? Or are the donors who send them thousands of dollars simply delusional?
We’ll also touch on mass shooter Anders Breivik, murderer Devin Moore, and the Columbine massacre as we unpack the argument around videogames and real-life violence.