Yeah No Yeah

Yeah No Yeah

Neil Strauss and The Game: Have you Been TRICKED into falling in love???

February 05, 2020

15 years later, we’ve gone where few women have gone before, wading into Neil Strauss’s The Game and swimming in its somewhat slimy waters. While dorky and somewhat manipulative, his writing seems blissfully inoffensive compared to the incel rants that get upvoted on Reddit today. We talk about some major misconceptions that date-challenged men like to circulate, including the notion that hypergamy relates to modern dating or square jaws. Although this episode nearly put us off all men everywhere, our old pal Chris (from YNY seasons 1 & 2) made an appearance to explain what it is that men are looking for when they crack open a book by Neil Strauss.
Roosh V Shut Down:
Here’s what Hypergamy Actually Is:
Neil Strauss Divorce:
Neil Strauss on The Truth: