Your Daily Armor

Your Daily Armor

YDA 0006: General Conference and Children

April 06, 2014

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Joel 1:3
Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.
Not every week, but most, my wife and I feel like we have accomplished something by the conclusion of Sacrament Meeting if we make it our alive and in control of our children.  We have five children, 5 and under and therefore, are a bit outnumbered!  It is often the hardest hour of our week.  It's not meal time, it's not eating at a restaurant, and it's not even bed time, it's that one hour, the most sacred hour of our week, which is by far the hardest. It is not made any easier, as my wife is also the Ward Chorister.  My wife sometimes feels as if she gets very little out of Sacrament Meeting, due to the wrangling of kids.   Needless to say, we have a very busy and noisy bench!
Helping two five-year-olds, two two-year-olds, and a one year get anything out of General Conference is an interesting task. This year my wife had a fantastic idea to keep the attention of our children. She ingeniously took five glass jars and stuck printed words on them; prayer, love, Jesus, family, temple, and scriptures. She then filled each jar with a different candy treat. Each time the kids heard one of those words they could go and pick one candy from the appropriate jar. This little idea worked! They were listening and each time a speaker uttered one of those words, there was a cacophony of that particular word being repeated by little voices. Next Conference we will find a way to work on reverence!
Giving our children a way to partake of Conference seems to me a worthy effort towards growing their testimonies. Making the whole weekend centered on learning, family, and friends sure seems to help the spirit of our home. Listening to a living Prophet right here in our home is a wonderful gift for us and our children.
We Thank Thee
We thank thee, O God, for a prophet
To guide us in these latter days.
We thank thee for sending the gospel
To lighten our minds with its rays.
We thank thee for every blessing
Bestowed by thy bounteous hand.
We feel it a pleasure to serve thee
And love to obey thy command.