Youth Challenge Today

Youth Challenge Today

YCT 19: Can Christians Love Non Christians?

March 11, 2014

Can Christians love non Christians the way that they need to be loved? On a recent Youth Challenge Today video a commenter wrote that Christians cannot love those with a counter-biblical worldview like they need to be loved. This statement must be answered with the utmost gentleness and respect.

Can Christians Love Non Christians?

On episode 15 of Youth Challenge Today we discussed the growing atheist mega church movement, The Sunday Assembly. As usual we put together a short video clip (you can see them all on our video page) of highlights and uploaded it to YouTube. We received a comment there that really caused us to stop and consider what was being said. The original comment follows in full:

I like your challenge to do better and be greater but sadly I think Christianity is destined to fail. You cannot love homosexuals, atheists, transgender, drug users and others with counter biblical world views like they need to be loved i [sic] the same way that atheists will. We ACTUALLY accept people and love them- not just say we do and stab them with a cross when they turn their back. Your competition is boundless compassion and love- real compassion and love. Good luck.

A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath

This is a sensitive subject in today’s social realm. Actually, it is a hot-button topic. Before we go any further let’s take a quick look at Proverbs for some wisdom:

A gentle answer deflects anger,

but harsh words make tempers flare – Proverbs 15:1 (NLT)

We hope that we give a gentle answer. First we must ask the question: Does this commenter make any valid or convicting points? There have been (and are) people that wear the name of Christ who have acted in un-Godly ways. Unfortunately we have often given atheists, skeptics, and doubters reasons to believe what the commenter has stated above. Christians must be careful, when identifying sin, not to engage in finger-pointing. Because, as the saying goes, when we have one finger pointed at somebody else there are three fingers pointed back at us.

Cannot Take Away From God’s Love

Christians may not always uphold and practice biblical principles of love as we should, but that does not take away from God’s love. Can we at least acknowledge that orthodox Christian convictions and beliefs are not based on hate? And they’re certainly not based on self-righteousness. Rather, they are based on a belief that the words in the Bible are from God. And if that is true then we must act on those words. And we act from love.

Love? How? We were sinners that found forgiveness. And we are compelled to share that with other sinners so that they can be forgiven too. We all have a sin problem:

No one is righteous—

not even one – Romans 3:10 [NLT]

But we have found the great physician who heals us of sin:

When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners – Mark 2:17 [NLT]

Out of love we want to bring others to him so that they also can be healed. Just as it says:

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins – Romans 3:23,24 [NLT]

Any other motivation is not Christlike. Name-calling and finger-pointing is not from God. Real boundless compassion and love is. Can Christians love non Christians? We had better. Let it be so.

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QUESTION: Would you have responded to the commenter differently? How so? Let us know in the comments.


The post YCT 19: Can Christians Love Non Christians? appeared first on Youth Challenge Today.