Youth Challenge Today

Youth Challenge Today

YCT 13: Are You A Stereotypical American Christian?

October 29, 2013

What are the marks of a stereotypical American Christian, and are you one? Also, how should Christians talk about our public leaders? All that and more on this episode of our youth ministry podcast, Youth Challenge Today.

Are You A Stereotypical American Christian?

We came upon a blog post titled “7 Marks of A Stereotypical American Christian” on the Sojourners website, and found it an interesting read – if not a bit hyperbolic. The author identifies seven patterns which he has found to still be pervasive in American Christian culture. He defines these as being traits of a “stereotypical American Christian.” We cover two:

  • Your online faith does not reflect reality
  • You need entertainment

After some discussion on these we ask the question, “How do we ultimately show that we are followers of Jesus, the hope of the world?” Listen to the podcast and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

There Is No Authority Except From God

At the time of this recording the US government was in shutdown. Half the country blamed President Obama and the Democrats, the other half blamed the Republicans in Congress. Josh didn’t care to talk about which team you preferred. He asks how are Christians to behave and talk about their leaders no matter who they disagree with? In other words, how does the word of God instruct us to behave, and how does that reflect on Christ and His church? Here are some passages to meditate on:

  • Romans 13: 1-2
  • I Timothy 2: 1-4
  • I Peter 2: 13-17

Question: Is it okay for Christians to speak harshly about leaders – whether they are elected government officials, teachers, parents, or any other authority figure? And how do harsh words spoken in the company of unbelievers reflect on Christ and His church? Could those angry words make us more of a “stereotypical American Christian”, and less of a follower of Jesus? Listen to the podcast and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Youth Challenge Today

This is the show where we explore the things that challenge you in your day to day life as well as equipping you to rise to the call of following Jesus. We’ll challenge you; you challenge us; and together we’ll be stronger in Him. This is your Youth Challenge Today on the GCTNetwork.

Available for free in iTunes and on Stitcher.

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