Youth Challenge Today

Youth Challenge Today

YCT 12: Christian Comic Books

October 15, 2013

Is it ok for Christian artists to use Comic Books to spread the Gospel message, or does mixing popular art with the word of God only serve to “dumb down” our reverence for the creator of the Universe?

The Christian Post talked to Al Nickerson – a former artist for DC and Marvel, who created the online digital comic “Act of Faith,” which uses original superheroes to teach the Christian message, and he said “I really like superheroes and the genre, so I really wanted use a medium that I like and the genre of superheroes to actually express the gospel message.”

So we set up a scenario and question for JD: “You have a young person in your youth group that has an obvious talent for art – especially comic style – and they confide in you that they want to use that talent for the glory of God; specifically creating Christian comic books that convey the gospel message. But they aren’t sure if that would be a proper pursuit. What do you tell them?

And a question or two for Josh: “Do you believe that artistic ability is a gift from God, or just a fluke or an act of nature? If your answer is ‘no, it is not necessarily from God’ how would we determine wether or not it would be good to use such abilities for ministry work? If ‘yes, I believe that it is a gift; how do we determine what proper uses in ministry are?

This is a great topic which we all enjoyed discussing. Listen to the podcast and let us know your thoughts below. And tell us how you use your artistic abilities to serve The Lord?

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