Stressed Out by the Political Crisis and Health Crisis?, 1977, Ethel Merman Tells David he's a Star

September 12, 2020

Today's conversation begins with David and Stephanie sharing their frustration of being stressed out by both the health crisis and the political climate, and the lack of civility. Stephanie proposes a re-imagination of the drive-in of her youth as a venue for concerts, while keeping our social distance. We look back at 1977, the year Jimmy Carter was inaugurated and Roots was the most watched and talked about television series. It was also the year that Elvis Presley died and one of the great New York City blackouts. Stephanie began a short career as a singer in a rock band and David was a bartender in a New York City theatrical bar, and he shares his stories of his encounters with legendary stars Ethel Merman and Richard Burton. And we finish with both David and Stephanie discussing the best way for wisdom to be shared with the younger generation.