Xbox Uncut

Xbox Uncut

Episode 311: Reality sets in

June 04, 2020

Microsoft Japan confirms 2020 holiday release of Xbox Series X for Japan. - xboxone

Cyberpunk event postponed - xboxone

Xbox and PlayStation stand together against racism - xboxone

Xbox and Microsoft support ending the systemic racism and injustice that plagues the US - xboxone

Xbox Exec: Microsoft Believes In Supporting Past Console Generations - xboxone

BioShock: The Collection upgraded for Xbox One X, appears to hit 4K - xboxone

Minecraft Dungeons' first DLC 'Jungle Awakens' officially revealed for July - xboxone

Microsoft remove region switching feature from Chinese consoles, gamers in China can no longer access overseas Xbox Live on new systems, this includes the marketplace. (Region switching was previously seen as a loophole and not intended for the Chinese Market) - xboxone

'Mercury' is an upcoming update to the Xbox Store, according to Jez Corden - xboxone

Eurogamer : "Mafia 3 developer working to restore support for X and Pro" - xboxone