XoneBros: A Positive Gaming & Xbox One Community

XoneBros: A Positive Gaming & Xbox One Community

Podcast#49: Steam Sales on Xbox One?

February 20, 2015

This week was awesome if you are na Xbox One owner. The best sale to date came midway through the week and gave us all the opportunity to pick up some fantastic games for super cheap! Is this the beginning of Steam-like sales on the Xbox? We also had a chance to sample the new Scream Ride demo and our verdict might surprise you. Lets just say it’s not what we thought it would be. The Madden Ultimate Team tournament is in the semi finals and the #Idarb tournament is just around the corner. Be sure to sign up and stay tuned to see who wins. As always, it’s another happy, fun time on the most positive gaming community on the planet!

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Xbox One Game Sales – http://bit.ly/1CXdoYB