What Were You Thinking - All about exotic pets & animals you can keep as a pet - Pets & Animals on P

What Were You Thinking - All about exotic pets & animals you can keep as a pet - Pets & Animals on P

PetLifeRadio.com - What Were You Thinking - Episode 81 World’s Worst Birding Show, Part 1

June 12, 2015

You may never read this description of the World’s Worst Birding Show, Part 1, because this podcast might never make it online due to the need for certain minimum quality standards. It’s the usual content-free rambling from Bob Tarte and Book Character Bill Holm about their annual birding trip to Ohio for the warbler migration plus breaking news about Bob’s forthcoming book Feather Brained. Tough to sit through. But comedy gold for start to finish as Bob and Bill analyze mysterious doings at Magee Marsh.