What Were You Thinking - All about exotic pets & animals you can keep as a pet - Pets & Animals on P

What Were You Thinking - All about exotic pets & animals you can keep as a pet - Pets & Animals on P

PetLifeRadio.com - What Were You Thinking - Episode 72 The Biggest Week in American Podcasting, Part 1

June 18, 2013

Bob Tarte and Book Character Bill Holm discuss their plans to attend The Biggest Week in American Birding for the third year in a row and ‘borrow’ the Biggest Week title for their own series of podcasts. Bob shocks Bill by boldly coming out as a birder. Then things get fast and furious as the pair tries to decide how best to present their trip to Magee Marsh this time around without repeating the same tired podcast they’ve done the last two years. Bob and Bill also prepare for an author-and-book-character talk at an Ann Arbor-area library and predict that it will turn into the usual disaster.

Questions or Comments? Email Bob at: bob@petliferadio.com

More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Biggest Week in American Podcasting, Part 1 with Bob Tarte

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