WRITER 2.0: Writing, publishing, and the space between

WRITER 2.0: Writing, publishing, and the space between

Talking Historical Fiction with J.L. Oakley–Episode 114–December 2 2016

December 02, 2016

On episode 114 of the podcast I spoke with J.L. Oakley about:

* pen names;
* living in Hawaii;
* historical fiction;
* her award-winning World War II novel, The Jossing Affair.

About our guest:

Award-winning author J.L. Oakley writes historical fiction that spans the mid-19th century to WW II with characters standing up for something in their own time and place. she grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After college, she worked her way west to the Hawaiian Islands. While going to school there, she met her future husband and for a time they lived on the Big Island. They moved to the Pacific Northwest where they raised three sons. An historian as well as an award winning author, her writings appear in various magazines, anthologies, and literary publications.
Before publication, The Jossing Affair, was a finalist twice at the Pacific Northwest Writers Association Literary Contest and in 2013, received a first place Chaucer category win. Her other historical novels, Tree Soldier, set in 1930s Pacific NW, won the 2012 EPIC ebook Award, selected as an Everybody Reads, and the 2012 Chanticleer Grand Prize. Its prequel, Timber Rose, won a silver in historical fiction from the prestigious 2015 WILLA Awards and a first place 2014 Chaucer Award. Recently, she began writing mysteries. Saddle Road and Coconut Islands, Lei Crime Kindle World novellas, are best sellers. When not writing, Oakley demonstrates 19th century folkways at national parks and museums, and presents history workshops to school age students. Good times!