kim smith

kim smith

Writer Groupie Episode 37 The Entertaining King Twins

October 06, 2015

Welcome to October and the start of a whole new month of Writer Groupie! On the audio portion of the show, I catch you up to date on industry news, what's the latest from me, and who's coming on the show today. I will always have good stuff in the intro to the audio (podcast) so be sure to tune in either here on the blog or at iTunes.

Now off we go, and on with the show!


My guests this week are Margaret and Kat King, also known as, The King Twins. You may remember they came on the show back in the early spring. This visit was a lot of fun, they had a great new rap for me, and we discussed their three new children's books, including BOO!

Margaret and Kat King are Oxford, Mississippi natives and are alums of Ole Miss. These fantastic authors are always bringing humor and fun into everything they do. Today, they share how important entertainment value is in the writing world today.

In this episode, we discuss what the twins have been up to and how it is going to change the life of one of their dearest friends, Josephine. This episode will make you laugh, make you smile, and make you believe you can be an entertainer in all facets of life.


In this episode, we learn about:
* Their first book about Maggie and Kathy, twin 9-year old girls-called the Backyard Campout, and it's followup book, Boo! a Halloween story that has made it onto the Accelerated Reader program.

* Info on their first preschool book, Kicking and Screaming, a book about that big trip to get shots.

* The CD that they have released of the King Twin Rappers and info about the next one which will be just for kids.

* Insider details on what they are doing called Laughter in the Workplace

* They perform a rap for me called Acts 2:38 -- and you will LOVE it!

* How people (kids) perceive them before they visit, and how they see them when they leave.

* We discuss the Author Rodeo Roundup and Maggie Moran, the organizer, Arthur Avant, and the other great authors in Mississippi, including Patricia N. Dorsey

* How they handle the traveling and live events that they have been doing, including how they got on the site

* Bonus: How they get the bookings for live events

* the important points in collaborative efforts like writing, rapping, or life

* the latest info on Josephine, and how the twins are trying to get their book about her (Our Josephine) done as a movie in hopes that they can buy her a home.

The King Twins


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